Is your company interested in sponsoring the UAV-g 2025 event?
A sponsorship partnership offers an excellent opportunity to highlight your company’s prominent position in the industry and promote your products and services to an audience of researchers, professionals, and decision-makers. Additionally, the presence of leading companies at the event will foster valuable dialogue between the industry and various stakeholders.
We offer four distinct sponsorship packages for UAV-g 2025:
Platinum Sponsorship – €10,000.00
- Prominent logo placement on all conference materials, including website, promotional materials, and signage
- Exclusive recognition as the Platinum Sponsor during opening and closing ceremonies
- Opportunity to deliver a keynote address or featured presentation
- Complimentary exhibition booth in prime location
- Five complimentary conference registrations
- Recognition in pre-conference marketing materials and press releases
Gold Sponsorship – €5,000.00
- Logo placement on conference materials and website
- Recognition as a Gold Sponsor during opening and closing ceremonies
- Opportunity to deliver a featured presentation
- Complimentary exhibition booth
- Three complimentary conference registrations
- Recognition in pre-conference marketing materials
Silver Sponsorship – €3,000.00
- Logo placement on conference materials and website
- Recognition as a Silver Sponsor during opening and closing ceremonies
- Complimentary exhibition booth
- Two complimentary conference registrations
- Recognition in pre-conference marketing materials
Bronze Sponsorship – €1,500.00
- Logo placement on conference materials and website
- Recognition as a Bronze Sponsor during opening and closing ceremonies
- One complimentary conference registrations
- Recognition in pre-conference marketing materials
In case you are interested in the sponsorship possibility, please contact eija.honkavaara(a)